Wild | Kings Of Leon | Supertesti.it

Testo Wild

Like in a mainstream melody
Oh I want to take you in
If you come around
I come a running
Waltz through the fire again

The weight of the wind is kicking up
Every little sting is you
Plucked from the vine
Ahead of its time
Only if you want me to

Wild heartbreak and wonder
Time, rolling like thunder
Brace for the explosion
Wild blissfully open

I spent the night on a riverside
Trying to recall my name
Head full of bends all sinking in
Something has it gone insane

The shape of the light comes screaming in
Harsh enough to see it through
Something in the air and the water tonight
Rising from the best of you

Wild heartbreak and wonder
Time, rolling like thunder
Brace for the explosion
Wild blissfully open

Wild heartbreak and wonder
Time, rolling like thunder
Brace for the explosion
Wild blissfully open

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